
Within 14 days of receipt of the order, you have the right to cancel the contract without giving reasons and to return individual or all items at your own expense. Please return the products to us in their original condition if possible. Otherwise, the refund amount may be reduced at our discretion depending on the reduction in value of the goods.

After this period, Monolith Shop will no longer accept returns.

All returns will be thoroughly inspected, if a product or the packaging has been opened and damaged, the customer will be responsible for the full cost of the item and the additional shipping costs.

If the item has been returned in a timely and proper manner, you will receive a new invoice from us via email.
If the invoice has already been paid, the amount for the returned goods will be credited to you or, if you wish, automatically credited to your next order.

Products for customers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein have to be returned to the address:
Monolith Shop, E.Zimmerli, Harmoniewiese 3, CH-8587 Oberaach, Switzerland.

The products for customers from the EU have to be returned to the following address:
Monolith Shop, E.Zimmerli 27076, c/o Lieferpoint, Macairestrasse 4, 78467 Konstanz, Germany.


Return step by step:

Follow link below & print form.
Pack original products cleanly and protected, fill out return form and enclose.
Take the package to the post office and send it.

Please click here to print and fill out the return form: