Carnage lipliner


Inkl. MwSt.

Like a cosmic storm, this deep berry red velvety lip liner exudes a mesmerizing charm that draws you into a realm of bewitching elegance.




Für den Paketversand innerhalb Deutschland fallen ab 100 Euro Bestellwert keine Versandgebühren an.

DHL Lieferung in 2-5 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 8.50 Euro für DHL Versand verrechnet.

Alle Sendungen werden mit einer Versicherung bis 500 CHF inkl. Tracking Nummer versendet. 

DHL EXPRES Lieferung in 1-3 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5 KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 13.50 Euro für DHL EXPRESS verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 100 Euro Bestellwert werden Versandkosten von 5.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.


Frankreich & Italien: 

Für den Paketversand innerhalb der EU fallen ab 100 Euro Bestellwert keine Versandgebühren an, wir versenden ab Konstanz (DE) in die EU Länder, es fallen keine Zollkosten an. Alle Sendungen werden mit einer Versicherung bis 500 CHF inkl. Tracking Nummer versendet. 

DHL Lieferung in 4-6 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 2KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 11.50 Euro für DHL verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 2KG werden Versandkosten von 13.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.

DHL EXPRESS Lieferung in 1-3 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5 KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 14.50 Euro für DHL EXPRESS verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 100 Euro Bestellwert werden Versandkosten von 4.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.



Info: Auf Grund von Problemen mit örtlichem Zustelldienst, wird nur noch mit DHL EXPRESS versendet.

Unter 120 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5 KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 14.50 Euro für DHL EXPRESS verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 120 Euro Bestellwert ist der DHL EXPRESS Versand kostenlos.


Belgien, Holland, Schweden, Zypern, Malta und Monaco: 

Für den Paketversand innerhalb der EU fallen ab 100 Euro Bestellwert keine Versandgebühren an, wir versenden ab Konstanz (DE) in die EU Länder, es fallen keine Zollkosten an. Alle Sendungen werden mit einer Versicherung bis 500 CHF inkl. Tracking Nummer versendet. 

DHL Lieferung in 4-6 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 2KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 11.50 Euro für DHL verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 2KG werden Versandkosten von 13.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.

DHL EXPRESS Lieferung in 1-3 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5 KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 14.50 Euro für DHL EXPRESS verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 100 Euro Bestellwert werden Versandkosten von 4.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.


Finnland, Irland, Griechenland, Kroatien, Ungarn, Dänemark, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Luxemburg, Polen, Portugal, Slowenien, Slowakei, Tschechische Republik, Lettland, Estland und Litauen: 

Unter 120 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5 KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 14.50 Euro für DHL EXPRESS verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 120 Euro Bestellwert ist der DHL EXPRESS Versand kostenlos.


Grossbritannien & Norwegen 

Für den Paketversand fallen ab 120 Euro Bestellwert keine Versandgebühren an, wir versenden ab Konstanz (DE) Alle Sendungen werden mit einer Versicherung bis 500 CHF inkl. Tracking Nummer versendet. 
Achtung: nach UK (ab zirka 150 Euro) und Norwegen können Zollkosten anfallen, da dies keine EU Länder sind.

Zwischen einem Betrag von 120€ und 150€ Einkauf ist man somit versandkostenfrei und zollfrei mit der Einfuhr in die UK.

DHL Lieferung in 4-6 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 120 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 2KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 13.50 Euro für DHL verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 2KG werden Versandkosten von 16.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.

DHL EXPRESS Lieferung in 1-3 Arbeitstagen:

Unter 120 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5 KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 24.50 Euro für DHL EXPRESS verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 120 Euro Bestellwert werden Versandkosten von 9.90 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.



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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Marta (Santander, ES)
To repeat with a product, it's for a good reason..

It's really a deep berry velvet lip liner. Beautiful on it's own all over the lip as a lip color, beautiful with a gloss or an oil for a soft hidrated and juicy effect, beautiful with red, plum, brown and pink lipsticks..

There's a reflection that has always been on my mind.. The quality is there, the quantity is there and the price is really a success, but sometimes you don't see reviews that really reflect what other consumers feel in an altruistic way and sometimes visualizing the color, in different skin tones is missing. Or that sometimes online, the factor "number of filters that the image has" or light, contrast... to make it attractive to sell them, compared to reality is an adventure, which is taken back us. That's appreciated by the brand, because what you see is what you get, different skin tones and specifying the amount of product are the only missing thing that can help a lot. This can benefit everyone.

Compared to other brands the pencil is much longer, for example, compared to a NYX Suede pencil (all of us know them, they are beautiful), this is a pencil and a half. Great investment. Very versatile. The velvety effect, how it glides, the duration (of course you have to touch up but after many hours)..

If the brand expands the range of shades and undertones it would be great to so many people, hopefully one day it will offer bundles with several shades per family (various pinks, reds, browns, deep tones..), or mixing several options with a theme together or with the launch of a collection inspired by the tones of a palette, or combos of pencil/oil, pencil/gloss, pencil/lipstick, bundles of several pencils guided by skin tones, for example, 3 pencils, each one from a color family... It would be a fantasy.

Many times the problem with lip bundles is that they are 3 products in a bundle, which perhaps some shade does not suit you well and they focus on lip products from the other 3 categories, they do not include pencils, not even in the complete new collections.

Those who want to try a brand, either look for only a pencil and the lip product from the other lip categories that "fits", or are beginners, or find it difficult to take advantage of a product because they do not visualize the versatility they can obtain, or how it looks on different skin tones, combine them..

Surely if the way of focusing how it's presented or using deep tones like this one and its undertone (extensible to the other ones that there're in the brand at the moment, which have different tones and undertones), many consumers would lose their fear to trying them, because it would open their minds and encourage them to try things outside their safety zone. As I said, the quality/quantity/price ratio is frankly a success, having other shades, it is one of those that has a lead practically all the way to the end, it is a pencil and a half long. Taking this into account, it's worth investing in this format, as it may seem expensive, but if you do the math, it is less expensive than a mid-range pencil and a half, not using low-cost or high-end brands. In the latter cases it would be different, considering the price, different types of consumers and their economic capacity and the use they can give it. In each case, the approach will depend on several variables.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Marta (Santander, ES)
To repeat with a product, it's for a good reason..

It's really a deep berry velvet lip liner. Beautiful on it's own all over the lip as a lip color, beautiful with a gloss or an oil for a soft hidrated and juicy effect, beautiful with red, plum, brown and pink lipsticks..

There's a reflection that has always been on my mind.. The quality is there, the quantity is there and the price is really a success, but sometimes you don't see reviews that really reflect what other consumers feel in an altruistic way and sometimes visualizing the color, in different skin tones is missing. Or that sometimes online, the factor "number of filters that the image has" or light, contrast... to make it attractive to sell them, compared to reality is an adventure, which is taken back us. That's appreciated by the brand, because what you see is what you get, different skin tones and specifying the amount of product are the only missing thing that can help a lot. This can benefit everyone.

Compared to other brands the pencil is much longer, for example, compared to a NYX Suede pencil (all of us know them, they are beautiful), this is a pencil and a half. Great investment. Very versatile. The velvety effect, how it glides, the duration (of course you have to touch up but after many hours)..

If the brand expands the range of shades and undertones it would be great to so many people, hopefully one day it will offer bundles with several shades per family (various pinks, reds, browns, deep tones..), or mixing several options with a theme together or with the launch of a collection inspired by the tones of a palette, or combos of pencil/oil, pencil/gloss, pencil/lipstick, bundles of several pencils guided by skin tones, for example, 3 pencils, each one from a color family... It would be a fantasy.

Many times the problem with lip bundles is that they are 3 products in a bundle, which perhaps some shade does not suit you well and they focus on lip products from the other 3 categories, they do not include pencils, not even in the complete new collections.

Those who want to try a brand, either look for only a pencil and the lip product from the other lip categories that "fits", or are beginners, or find it difficult to take advantage of a product because they do not visualize the versatility they can obtain, or how it looks on different skin tones, combine them..

Surely if the way of focusing how it's presented or using deep tones like this one and its undertone (extensible to the other ones that there're in the brand at the moment, which have different tones and undertones), many consumers would lose their fear to trying them, because it would open their minds and encourage them to try things outside their safety zone. As I said, the quality/quantity/price ratio is frankly a success, having other shades, it is one of those that has a lead practically all the way to the end, it is a pencil and a half long. Taking this into account, it's worth investing in this format, as it may seem expensive, but if you do the math, it is less expensive than a mid-range pencil and a half, not using low-cost or high-end brands. In the latter cases it would be different, considering the price, different types of consumers and their economic capacity and the use they can give it. In each case, the approach will depend on several variables.