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Blood Moon Palette

€64,50 €74,50

Inkl. MwSt.

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Der wunderschöne Blut Mond ist hier, du wirst Ihn lieben mit seinen kräftigen Farben und du wirst ihn nie mehr los lassen wollen.

Bist du bereit in eine neue Welt einzutauchen?

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich um handgefertigte Multichrome handelt. Manchmal kann das Bindemittel Ölflecken auf den Paletten verursachen, die während des Transports auftreten können. Da es sich nicht um eine magnetische Palette handelt, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, dies zu vermeiden. Des weiteren kann vielleicht mal teils eine Farbe etwas unförmiger erscheinen als eine andere, dies entsteht durch Pressung von Hand. Danke fürs Verständnis.





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Für den Paketversand innerhalb der EU fallen ab 100 Euro Bestellwert keine Versandgebühren an, wir versenden ab Konstanz (DE) in die EU Länder, es fallen keine Zollkosten an. Alle Sendungen werden mit einer Versicherung bis 500 CHF inkl. Tracking Nummer versendet. 

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Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 2KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 11.50 Euro für DHL verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 2KG werden Versandkosten von 13.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.

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Unter 100 Euro Bestellwert wird für Sendungen bis 5 KG einen Versand- und Portokostenanteil von 14.50 Euro für DHL EXPRESS verrechnet. Für Sendungen über 100 Euro Bestellwert werden Versandkosten von 4.50 Euro in Rechnung gestellt.


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Für den Paketversand fallen ab 120 Euro Bestellwert keine Versandgebühren an, wir versenden ab Konstanz (DE) Alle Sendungen werden mit einer Versicherung bis 500 CHF inkl. Tracking Nummer versendet. 
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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Jacqueline (Columbus, US)

I 100 percent disagree with these reviews. The multichromes are shifty and gorgeous and the bloodmoon shade is full of so much holographic sparkle. I wear this palette alot and it's one 9f my favorite palettes

Lyo (Guipavas, FR)

Way too expensive for the quality. Beautiful colour story, but you don’t see the reflects as they appears on swatches photos.
When you ask more than Ensley Reign, you are expected to have at least the same quality.


Disappointing. Pans are uneven. Much smaller and unimpressive than appeared in the reviews. The packaging looks like it was printed on a cheap printer. Umbra has large grains, more like a red base with glitter on the top and just too messy. In the reviews, it swatched as beautiful red with a strong yellow shift, maybe I'm missing something. The shimmers aren't protected as other brands do. Mattes are exceptionally good though and the color story is unique. Overall, not worth the cost. Got it with underland from ER for a similar price. If you ask for ER or BBB prices, I would expect the same quality and thought into the product. More effort should be put into the presentation. Was thinking about getting the Midnight Moth palette but I'm now sceptical. Since I bought it based on online reviews alone, I would say take affiliate advertising with a grain of salt. Monolith did a good job packaging and delivering the palettes quickly and undamaged.

Blanca Contreras (Burgos, ES)
Fine but not the best

My main problem with this palette is, it’s a bit expensive for what you get. The mattes were surprisingly fine but I bought it for the shimmers and the formula is very dry. It works but it doesn’t look spectacular, the holo blood moon shade was a bit lackluster on the eyes compared to the swatch (I don’t use glitter primer). And the blue shimmer is so dry that if you pick it up with the finde most of it stays in the finger. Also some of the multichromes have an intense base that leaves a lot of staining. I wish I could give it 5 stars but I’m not used to paying this price and getting duds.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Jacqueline (Columbus, US)

I 100 percent disagree with these reviews. The multichromes are shifty and gorgeous and the bloodmoon shade is full of so much holographic sparkle. I wear this palette alot and it's one 9f my favorite palettes

Lyo (Guipavas, FR)

Way too expensive for the quality. Beautiful colour story, but you don’t see the reflects as they appears on swatches photos.
When you ask more than Ensley Reign, you are expected to have at least the same quality.


Disappointing. Pans are uneven. Much smaller and unimpressive than appeared in the reviews. The packaging looks like it was printed on a cheap printer. Umbra has large grains, more like a red base with glitter on the top and just too messy. In the reviews, it swatched as beautiful red with a strong yellow shift, maybe I'm missing something. The shimmers aren't protected as other brands do. Mattes are exceptionally good though and the color story is unique. Overall, not worth the cost. Got it with underland from ER for a similar price. If you ask for ER or BBB prices, I would expect the same quality and thought into the product. More effort should be put into the presentation. Was thinking about getting the Midnight Moth palette but I'm now sceptical. Since I bought it based on online reviews alone, I would say take affiliate advertising with a grain of salt. Monolith did a good job packaging and delivering the palettes quickly and undamaged.

Blanca Contreras (Burgos, ES)
Fine but not the best

My main problem with this palette is, it’s a bit expensive for what you get. The mattes were surprisingly fine but I bought it for the shimmers and the formula is very dry. It works but it doesn’t look spectacular, the holo blood moon shade was a bit lackluster on the eyes compared to the swatch (I don’t use glitter primer). And the blue shimmer is so dry that if you pick it up with the finde most of it stays in the finger. Also some of the multichromes have an intense base that leaves a lot of staining. I wish I could give it 5 stars but I’m not used to paying this price and getting duds.

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